Marwah Nasution, NPM 1905100012 (2023) ANALISIS PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER TOLERANSI DAN CINTA TANAH AIRDALAM KURIKULUM MERDEKA BELAJAR DI SMP. Tugas_ Akhir (Artikel) : Jurnal Pedagogi dan Pembelajaran, 6 (1). ISSN ISSN 2614-3909 / E-ISSN 2614-3895

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The background of this research is because of the low values of the character of tolerance and love of the motherland in today's students, due to the lack of implementing and instilling the character values oftolerance and love of the motherland in everyday life and in the school environment. This study aims to assess and measure the character of tolerance and love for the motherland in supporting the independent learning curriculum. Quantitative method with a descriptive approach, with a population of 165 respondents. Questionnaire instrument. Descriptive statistical data analysis techniques. Based on the data analysis, it can be seen that the characters of tolerance and love for the motherland of class VII1, VII-5, VIII-2, VIII-4, IX-1, and IX-4 are students of class VII-1, as much as 97.93%. and the percentage for the character of love for the homeland is 94.82%, for the character of tolerance for class VII-5, has a percentage of 90.31%, for the character of love for the homeland for class VII-5 has a percentage of 89.68%, for class VIII-2 the percentage for the character of tolerance is 93.33%, for class VIII-2 the percentage of love for the motherland is 83.8%, for class VIII-4 the percentage of characterization of tolerance is 85.66%, for class VIII-4 the love for the country is 81.66%, for class IX-1 character of tolerance is 93.07%, class IX-1 character of love for the motherland is 94.23%, and class IX-4 percentage results in character of tolerance have a percentage of 97.66%. Of the two charactersand of the six classes, class VII-1 is classified as high and very good. There are five out of six classes that are said to be low from that class which also includes a good percentage ======================================================== Penelitian ini di latar belakangi karena rendahnya nilai-nilai karakter toleransi dan karakter cinta tanah air pada siswa-siswi saat ini, karena kurangnya menerapkan dan menanamkan nilai-nilai karakter toleansi dan cinta tanah air dalam kehidupan sehari hari maupu di lingkungan sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai danmengukur karakter toleransi dan cinta tanah air dalam mendukung kurikulum merdeka belajar. Metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskripif, dengan populasi yang berjumlah 165 respoden. Instrumen kuisioner. Teknik analisis datastatistik deskriptif. Berdasarkan analisis data, dapat di lihat bahwa karakter toleransi dan cinta tanah air dari kelas VII1, VII 5, VIII 2, VIII 4, IX 1, dan IX 4 adalahsiswa kelas VII 1,sebanyak 97,93% dan persentase untuk Karakter Cinta Tanah Air 94,82%, karakter toleransi kelas VII 5, memiliki persentase 90,31%, karakter cinta tanah air kelas VII 5 memiliki persentase 89,68%, kelas VIII 2 persentase nilai karakter toleransi sebanyak 93,33%, kelas VIII 2 karakter persentase nilai cinta tanah air sebanyak 83,8%, kelas VIII 4 persentase nilai karanter toleransi sebanyak 85,66%, kelas VIII 4 karaker cinta tanah air sebanyak 81,66%, kelas IX 1 karakter toleransi sebanyak 93,07%, kelas IX 1 karakter cinta tanah air sebanyak 94,23%, Dan hasil persentase kelas IX 4 pada karakter toleransi memiliki persentase sebanyak 97,66%. Dari kedua karakter dan dari keenam kelas tersebut kelas VII 1 tergolong tinggi dan sangat baik. Ada lima dari enam kelas yang dikatakan rendah dari kelas tersebut juga termasuk persentase yang baik

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Tolerance, Love for the Motherland, Freedom Curriculum ===================== Toleransi, Cinta Tanah Air, Kurikulum Merdeka
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan > Pendidikan Matematika
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 26 May 2023 08:03
Last Modified: 26 May 2023 08:50

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